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The Water Diplomat - Hydropolitics News and Intelligence

The Water Diplomat seeks to mainstream water news at the intersections between water, peace and security.

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International Water Law and Transboundary Water Cooperation

4 Oct 2024

Zambezi River

Zambia and the UNECE are expecting to celebrate the country’s accession to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UN Water ...

19 Sep 2024

Retno Marsudi

On the 13th of September, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of H.E. Retno L.P. Marsudi of the Republic of Indonesia as his Special Envoy o...

2 Oct 2024

UN General Assembly adopts resolution on modalities of 2026 Water Conference

On the 6th of September, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) approved – without a vote - resolution A/78/L110 on the modalities of the 2026 United Nations Water Conference. ...

26 Aug 2024

Supporting Effective Transboundary Governance: A Multilevel Approach

In a publication launched during the 2024 World Water Week, IUCN has compiled the achievements and lessons learned during 15 years of implementation of its Building River Dialogue ...

5 Sep 2024

1st Limpopo Joint Basin Survey marks acceleration in Transboundary Water Cooperation

On the 6th of August, the Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM) announced the commencement of the 1st Joint Basin Survey (JBS) for the Limpopo River Basin (LRB). The survey is ex...

21 Aug 2024

UN System Wide Strategy on Water and Sanitation Launched

Following the various commitments made at the 2023 UN Water Conference, stakeholders gathered at the UN High-Level Political Forum in New York on July 16, 2024 at the special “SDG ...

1 Jul 2024

Progress in Cooperation on the Senegal-Mauritanian Aquifer Basin

Progress is currently underway to ensure an appropriate legal and institutional format for the joint management of the Senegal-Mauritanian Aquifer Basin (SMAB), a crucial transboun...

Water in Armed Conflict and other situations of violence

3 Oct 2024

International Humanitarian Law and the Challenges of Contemporary Armed Conflicts

In September, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)finalised its sixth report on international humanitarian law (IHL) and the challenges of contemporary armed conflic...

26 Sep 2024

Jordan refugee camp

This year, the Azraq refugee camp in Jordan has marked its tenth anniversary, a moment worthy of reflection on the progress and remaining challenges in providing water, sanitation ...

4 Oct 2024

UN special rapporteurs decry militarisation of water and current humanitarian situation in Gaza

On the 16th of September, three UN special rapporteurs commented on the situation in Gaza from the perspective of their different thematic mandates to advise on human rights. The h...

3 Sep 2024

Call to Action

Under the banner “Bridging Borders: water for a peaceful and sustainable future”, the 2024 edition of the World Water Week (25 to 29 August) was centred on water cooperation and se...

3 Sep 2024

Oxfam releases report on weaponisation of water in Gaza

On the 18th of July, Oxfam published a new report on the topic of water in situations of armed conflict, entitled “Water War Crimes: How Israel has weaponised water in its military...

28 Jun 2024

Norwegian Refugee Council lists displacements in Burkina Faso as world’s most neglected crisis

On the 3rd of June, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) published its annual report of the world’s most neglected displacement crises. In the wake of a conflict that has been ragin...

4 Jun 2024

Launch of Global Alliance to Spare Water from Armed Conflict

In his 2023 annual report on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres notes that during the year in review, «Conflict ... […] .. trigger...

Knowledge Based, Data-Driven Decision Making

4 Oct 2024

Three SDG 6 indicator progress reports highlight degradation in water related ecosystems

On 27 August, the UNEP and UN-Water’s Integrated Monitoring Initiative, in collaboration with partner agencies, published three reports on topics for which UNEP is the custodian ag...

3 Oct 2024

New research from the Earth Commission highlights planetary and human risks, showing pathways to a safe and just future

New research in the Lancet Planetary Health, co-authored by 60 leading natural and social scientists from the Earth Commission, published on the 11th of September, highlights curre...

11 Sep 2024

A Hole in Our Bucket? Water Integrity Network Launches 3rd Global Integrity Outlook

2024 report presents ways to ensure fair and transparent financing to achieve SDG 6 targets On the 11th of September 2024, the Water Integrity Network launched its third Water ...

4 Oct 2024

SDC looks back: Collective Lessons from the IAH Groundwater congress 2024

The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) held the 51st edition of the world groundwater congress in Davos, Switzerland, from the 8-13th of September. The congress was...

6 Sep 2024

TFDD Explorer

On August 27 at Stockholm World Water Week, the Shared Waters Lab Partnership – a collaboration between Oregon State University, the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and IHE-De...

5 Sep 2024

Study into groundwater levels in southwestern Europe demonstrates surprising resilience

A study into multi-decadal groundwater observations published in the journal Nature in July 2024 by an international team of researchers has yielded results that show surprisingly ...

5 Sep 2024

UN Water publishes new SDG 6 country acceleration studies : the case of Cambodia

In the context of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' Decade of Action to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, a SDG ...

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Finance for water cooperation

6 Sep 2024

WaterWorX: The role of Water Operator Partnerships in leveraging finance for SDG 6 objectives

The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF) convened by UN Habitat will be held in Cairo, Egypt from 4-8 November 2024. The return of the WUF to the African continent after ...

28 Aug 2024

Drilling for water Comoros

The Green Climate Fund is contributing U.S. $ 41.9 million towards a project in the Comoros Islands which is designed to increase the climate resilience of water supply for drinkin...

6 Sep 2024

Revolving Fund Transforms Rural Water Supply in Yobe State Nigeria

In rural Nigeria, Action Against Hunger (ACF Nigeria), in partnership with the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA) has pioneered a Revolving Fund which is transformi...

5 Jul 2024

Interview with Bapon Fakhruddin, Water and Climate Leader, Green Climate Fund

Interview with Bapon Fakhruddin, Green Climate Fund Tobias Schmitz: The Water Resilience for Economic Resilience Initiative argues that in these times of climate change, water ...

27 Jun 2024

Tanzania invests heavily in water infrastructure to meet 2030 targets

In February 2021, the Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP) was adopted at the 34th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in Addi...

17 May 2024

World Bank Publication

A new World Bank report released on the 6th of May presents a global overview of spending in the water sector, noting that there is a significant gap between spending needs and act...

6 Jun 2024

Improving agricultural water use efficiency to increase climate resilience in Jordan

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is supporting a project in Jordan aimed at increasing agricultural water use efficiency as a means to increase climate resilience in vulnerable regions...

3 May 2024

Green Climate Fund invests in increased resilience for rural communities in rural Ethiopia

The Green Climate Fund is currently entering the final phases of a project to increase the drought resilience of rural communities in Ethiopia who are facing risks in their water s...

National and Local News

18 Sep 2024

Strone Slaskie dam

Poland has experienced both extremes of the hydrological spectrum in the month of September, swinging between drought in early September to a flood emergency less than two weeks la...

4 Oct 2024

India requests Pakistan to review Indus Waters Treaty

On the 18th of September the government of India formally requested the Government of Pakistan to review the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), signed by the two governments in Karachi in ...

30 Jul 2024

Source: Adnan Abidi/Reuters

India is currently facing a severe environmental crisis as extreme heatwaves and water scarcity threaten the well-being of millions. This summer, India recorded an all-timehigh tem...

22 Aug 2024

Lesotho advances with sanitation coverage but faces wastewater management challenges

Access to sanitation in Lesotho has improved markedly over the past decade, while there have also been recent challenges in ensuring effective collection and treatment of wastewate...

20 Aug 2024

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Water Governance for Water Security in Finland

In a recent publication in the International Journal of Water Resources Development, researchers have presented the results of their studies into the current water governance syste...

1 Jul 2024

Murray-Darling Basin Authority responds to Stakeholder Consultations

Australia is among the countries in the world that is most affected by climate change, and this has a powerful effect on water resources availability and variability. The Murray-Da...

3 Jul 2024

Pesticide Action Network study highlights widespread PFAS pollution of waterways in Europe

Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), otherwise referred to as ‘forever chemicals’ are currently present in all European waterways. These are the findings of study ...